Lamas from Drepung Monastery are visiting the stores burned in the March 14 riots on Drosenge Road on May 13, photo by Jokho from Xinhua.

Lamas walk among the relics of the burned No.2 middle school of Lhasa on May 13, photo by Jokho from Xinhua.

Lamas walk among the relics of the burned No.2 middle school of Lhasa on May 13, photo by Jokho from Xinhua.

Lamas walk among the relics of the burned No.2 middle school of Lhasa on May 13, photo by Jokho from Xinhua.

Lamas have a Tibetan lesson with students in the classroom of No.2 middle school on May 13, photo by Jokho from Xinhua.
On May 13, some lamas from Drepung Monastery visited the stores and Lhasa No. 2 Middle School which were affected by the March 14 riots.