Workers from Lhasa Public Facilities Maintenance Unit are repairing street lamps, photo from chinatibetnews.
To make it easier for local residents to travel in the early morning and evening, the street lamps will be turned on at 19:10 instead of 19:30 and turned off at 07:50 instead of 07:45, 25 more minutes, in Lhasa, capital city of southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region.
As the winter approaches, Lhasa Public Facilities Maintenance Unit decided to adjust the switching-up and -off time of the street lamps in Lhasa, for the daytime is getting shorter and the night is getting longer.
To guarantee the normal function of street lamps in winter, the electrician team of Lhasa Public Facilities Maintenance Unit plans to maintain the lighting facilities across Lhasa City for three times, around the New Year's Day, Spring Festival and Tibetan New Year respectively.
Workers from Lhasa Public Facilities Maintenance Unit remind residents to take care of the lighting facilities in order to ensure the safety of those traveling in the evening.