Dar'st thou amid the varied multitude
To live alone, an isolated thing?
To see the busy beings round thee spring,
And care for none; in thy calm solitude,
A flower that scarce breathes in the desert rude
To Zephyr's passing wing?
--Percy Bysshe Shelley

Meconopsis: "the solitary" on plateau [Photo/ Baidu]
The Meconopsis blooms in the harsh environment of thin soil and heavy winds on the Qinghai-Tibet plateau at an altitude of 3000-5000 meters where seldom plants could take root.

Meconopsis: "the solitary" on plateau [Photo/ Baidu]

Meconopsis: "the solitary" on plateau [Photo/ Baidu]

Meconopsis: "the solitary" on plateau [Photo/ Baidu]