Veslev Chrzaszcz, photo from 8246.com
A mountaineer from the Czech Republic died at the Nepalese side of the Mt. Qomolangma and he might die of altitude disease as this mountaineer tried to climb the world's highest mountain without oxygen, according to the report of Czech CTK on Wednesday.
The 47-year-old mountaineer, Veslev Chrzaszcz was found dead at 7,027 meters. "He got ill and died in his sleep when went to lower place," said Joseph Wiesel, president of the mountaineering club Veslev Chrzaszcz has joined.
Veslev Chrzaszcz is an experienced climber and he once topped the Mt. Xixabangba (8,013m) in China's Tibet and Mt.McKinley (6,193m) in Canada.
This is the second climber from the Czech Public dying at the Himalayas in 2009 and earlier, 41-year-old Martin Minarik lost his life when climbed the 8091-meter-Annapurna.