A local high school graduate in Lhasa, capital city of Tibet Autonomous Region receives her college admission letter in 2008, photo from China Tibet Online.

Students in Lhasa Senior High School 3 registers online for the National College Entrance Exam with the help of his teacher, photo from China Tibet Online.
Tibet Autonomous Region in southwestern China plans to promote senior high school education among local youth during the 12th Five-Year Plan period (2011-2015), said an official with the regional Education Bureau.
So far, the region reports altogether 557,209 students enrolled in schools at all levels, including 718 graduate students and 31,109 college undergraduates.
The implementation of the nine-year compulsory education has been basically achieved in Tibet while the illiteracy rate among Tibetan young and middle-aged people has been eliminated to null during the "11th Five-Year Plan" period (2006-2010).
Besides, the senior high school enrollment rate stood at 60.1% at present while the average schooling time for local people above 15 years old has reached 7.3 years.
According to the working plan of the regional Education Bureau, in the next five years, six new senior high schools will be built up in the region and some of the current schools will be expanded.