The air quality in the city has kept a 100 percent soundness rate since June this year,.
"The sky of Lhasa is almost blue everyday." This frequently-heard compliment is re-confirmed by a piece of information published by a state media. "Till 7 o’clock in the morning of December, 2nd, the AQI (air quality index) of Urumqi of Xinjiang Province is 185, its medium-polluted air quality ranking the tail of the 74 cites that have disclosed the PM2.5 data (Particulate matter up to 2.5 micrometers in size). Of them all, Lhasa ranks the top with AQI index being 8 and PM2.5 index 6."

The air quality index chart of Lhasa [Photo/China Tibet Online]
Tibet boasts a sound ecology with most of the region remaining original condition. Tibet is still one of the places in the world with the best air quality. Lhasa, as a key environmental protection city of China, witnessed 364 days of good air quality in 2012.