"Beauty of Tibet" painting contest exhibition officially opens Saturday in the China Folk Art Museum in Shanghai.

The opening ceremony of "Beauty of Tibet" Painting Contest exhibition was held Saturday in the China Folk Art Museum in Shanghai. [Photo/China Tibet Online]
After the successful exhibition in Beijing, the Shanghai exhibition will further display the unparalleled beauty and charm of China's southwestern highland region to local residents and domestic and foreign tourists.
Opus on display totals over 120 pieces, covering various painting forms from oil painting to Chinese painting, watercolor, cloth and print painting. All the 50 award-winning paintings are exhibited, with some specially invited works by both inland and Tibetan painting masters.
The exhibition will last for two weeks. During the process, forums about Tibetan art would be held and famous artists and Tibetan painting masters will give lectures.
The exhibition will serve as both a platform for artistic display and communication and an impetus to further promote Tibetan culture.