A 22-year-old deaf Tibetan girl is hopeful to get her hearing back 19 years later after she mostly lost her hearing at the age of three thanks to the free medical treatment from the experts of the charity event "One Chinese Heart" for Aba Tibetan-Qiang Autonomous Prefecture of Sichuan Province. According to the experts, the girl's cervical spondylosis presses on nerve, resulting in the loss of hearing, so if the cervical spondylosis is cured, she is expect to get her hearing back again. The main mission of the charity event "One Chinese Heart" was launched and participated by medical experts and volunteers from Beijing, aiming to provide treatment to the elderly and young in the remote areas who have cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, as well as provide health care assistance on a large scale. Photo shows a medical expert diagnoses the deaf girl. [Photo/China Tibet Online]

A 22-year-old deaf Tibetan girl is hopeful to get her hearing back 19 years later after she mostly lost her hearing at the age of three thanks to the free medical treatment from the experts of the charity event "One Chinese Heart" for Aba Tibetan-Qiang Autonomous Prefecture of Sichuan Province. According to the experts, the girl's cervical spondylosis presses on nerve, resulting in the loss of hearing, so if the cervical spondylosis is cured, she is expect to get her hearing back again. The main mission of the charity event "One Chinese Heart" was launched and participated by medical experts and volunteers from Beijing, aiming to provide treatment to the elderly and young in the remote areas who have cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, as well as provide health care assistance on a large scale. Photo shows medical experts diagnose the deaf girl. [Photo/China Tibet Online]

A 22-year-old deaf Tibetan girl is hopeful to get her hearing back 19 years later after she mostly lost her hearing at the age of three thanks to the free medical treatment from the experts of the charity event "One Chinese Heart" for Aba Tibetan-Qiang Autonomous Prefecture of Sichuan Province. According to the experts, the girl's cervical spondylosis presses on nerve, resulting in the loss of hearing, so if the cervical spondylosis is cured, she is expect to get her hearing back again. The main mission of the charity event "One Chinese Heart" was launched and participated by medical experts and volunteers from Beijing, aiming to provide treatment to the elderly and young in the remote areas who have cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, as well as provide health care assistance on a large scale. Photo shows the deaf girl takes photo with the medical experts. [Photo/China Tibet Online]