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From: Global Times 2012-03-28 08:29:00
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Tibetan migration is far more than a one-way process

Today marks the 53rd Anniversary of the Serf Emancipation Day in Tibet Autonomous Region. Millions of Tibetan serfs ushered in a whole new chapter by ending centuries of suppression 53 years ago.

Since reform and opening-up began, narrow-minded ethnic xenophobia has been gradually eradicated and ethnic equality and solidarity has become the mainstream.

Tibet witnessed fast economic development in the past three decades. Better transportation, communication and the development of the Internet have intensified communication among different ethnic groups and brought broad mutual benefits. The pursuit of a career and people's rights to migration freely created healthy population flow among different groups.

It is often heard in Western media and countries that China's ethnic migration policies encourage the Han to crowd into Tibet, forcibly assimilating Tibetans, squeezing their resources and job opportunities and posing threats to Tibetan culture. But it is rarely reported that some inland cities have already been filled with people from various ethnic groups, among which Tibetans are particularly prominent due to their lively culture. Some of these facts are deliberately ignored.

Currently, many Tibetans are living or working in cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu and Guangzhou. Chengdu, known as the land of abundance, is particularly attractive to Tibetans due to its close geographical position and comfortable living conditions. Over 30,000 Tibetans have gained hukou (household residence) in Chengdu, and the population flow from Tibet and other Tibetan regions every year amounts to more than 1 million. There are two large-scale Tibetan residential communities in Chengdu, as well as a commercial district with Tibetan characteristics.

This demonstrates that the equal social system and inclusiveness of Chengdu have been identified by Tibetans and people from other ethnic groups, directly mirroring that  communications among different ethnic groups, mutual tolerance, recognition and harmonious coexistence have become commonplace.

A large number of Tibetans move to inland cities to do business, find jobs, receive education or travel at the same time as Han flow into Tibetan regions. These Tibetans bring their religion, culture, food and customs to Han areas, diversifying the local culture and boosting the local economy.   

Openness and tolerance are important marks of human progress and harmony. Through over 60 years of efforts, the openness of the Tibetan regions and the mutual recognition between the Han people and Tibetans have reached an unprecedented level.  The fact that inland cities can tolerate Tibetans doing business, purchasing houses and working there fully shows that current ethnic relations between the Han and Tibetans are the best in history.  

[editor : ]
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